When Woolloongabba was Wattle Scented

Thursday, December 29, 2011

McWhirters Project Top Ten for 2011 - Flood, Quake & Baking Cake!

Mar 11, 2011 

Mar 10, 2011

Apr 15, 2011 

Dec 30, 2010 

May 17, 2011 

Apr 30, 2011

May 9, 2011 

Jun 12, 2011 

Oct 18, 2011

Dec 23, 2011

If there was a single word best to describe 2011 then 'disaster' would be it and it's disasters aplenty for The McWhirters Project Top Ten Posts for 2011. For 2012;  there is a note amongst my untidy digital desktop, simply titled PODCAST! 

The McWhirters Project will hit the road and extend its reach from the digital to the real world and back again with Brisbane's very first podcast dedicated to history. We'll visit the collections and meet the people who are responsible for some of Brisbane's cultural institution's and provide a forum for those involved in the preservation of Brisbane's architectural and cultural heritage. So if you're the manager of an archive, library or museum collection, expect me to be knocking on your door some time soon.

Finally, to my readers, tweeters, followers and pluses, your numbers are small but your influence is huge, so thank-you for your retweets, likes and +1's and I look forward to your support in 2012.

Happy New Year


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